Month: June 2023

Lost Recall – june status

I hate creating levels for this game. The greatest pleasure for me comes from implementing new game mechanics and elements for creating levels. To me building levels feels like rather a secondary task. Of course, skillfully combining different elements within one level brings satisfaction, but the planned 240 levels seem like a distant goal to me.

collection of levels in Unity

However, during the process of creating levels, I occasionally encounter situations where two connected elements start behaving in a way that was not intended when I initially created them. In levels that require more dexterity than logical thinking, there are turrets that shoot missiles. To save time, I used the same object that the red robot uses to shoot. As a result, the missile-firing turrets end up destroying crates they come across, opening up possibilities for creating several levels that utilize this mechanic.

Unfortunately, I don’t have anything more exciting to write about this month. Besides creating levels, I’m currently in the process of learning how to publish games on the Steam platform. If everything goes according to plan, the game page on Steam should be available by the end of July.

Stay safe!